
Showing posts from June, 2018

3 Reasons for Creative Learning and Tutoring

I believe that education should be fun and creative as well as educational.  Below are 3 benefits to tutoring creatively. Better results In 2009, Mike Baker wrote a BBC article called " Benefits of Creative Classrooms ".   In this article he highlighted that National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) indicated that young people on the Creative Partnerships' Programme achieved "on average, the equivalent of 2.5 grades better progress in GCSE than similar young people in other schools".   It is worth noting that "creativity has been shown to be distinct from intelligence" ( Caroline Sharp ) - one can score well in creativity and still do poorly on IQ tests.   For this reason it is now generally believed that there are many forms of intelligence. Improves multi-faceted thinking Mann in his 2006 paper, "Creativity the essence of Mathematics", wrote that "a good mathematical mind is capable of flexible ...

5 Exam Tips for SEND students

It is hard enough with exams but if you have special educational needs or are disabled it can be that much harder.  Below I have included my top 5 tips for SEND students to help when sitting examinations. Tip 1: Plan ahead Make sure that you know how to access the examination room and that if you have special requirements (e.g. wheelchair access) the examination centre or school staff know this. Tip 2: Know Your Rights This sort of follows on from Tip 1.  If the school or examination centre has been made aware that you as a SEND student have certain requirements for sitting the exam and it has been agreed before the exam date this special measures will be put in place then you have the right to complain.  Also if the measures haven't been followed and you couldn't sit the test this can be taken into account by the exam board under extenuating circumstances.  See my blog-post on missed exams . Tip 3: Use Your Entitlement Some students (Dyslexic, Autisti...