3 Reasons for Creative Learning and Tutoring

I believe that education should be fun and creative as well as educational. 

Picture of plastic paint pots with brushes

Below are 3 benefits to tutoring creatively.

  1. Better results

In 2009, Mike Baker wrote a BBC article called "Benefits of Creative Classrooms".  In this article he highlighted that National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) indicated that young people on the Creative Partnerships' Programme achieved "on average, the equivalent of 2.5 grades better progress in GCSE than similar young people in other schools".  It is worth noting that "creativity has been shown to be distinct from intelligence" (Caroline Sharp) - one can score well in creativity and still do poorly on IQ tests.  For this reason it is now generally believed that there are many forms of intelligence.

  1. Improves multi-faceted thinking

Mann in his 2006 paper, "Creativity the essence of Mathematics", wrote that "a good mathematical mind is capable of flexible thought and manipulate and investigate a problem from many different aspects".  Mann believes that creativity in Mathematics promotes thinking that is multi-dimensional that there are not just right and wrong answers and that there are different ways of thinking.

Indeed, Caroline Sharp (2004) pointed out that at Foundation Stage the 2000 Curriculum stated that "Being creative enables children to make connections between one area of learning and another and so extend their understanding.  This area includes art, music, dance, role-play and imaginative play".

  1. Most sort after skill set

In 2010, an IBMsurvey was conducted and it was found that creativity is the most sought after skill sets.  More than 1500 Chief Executive Officers from 60 countries and 33 industries worldwide were surveyed.  Many of us believe we are not creative but as Caroline Sharp points out many Early Years children have an inbuilt level of creativity and creativity can be skill learned and encouraged.  This raises two questions.  Firstly can pupils learn to be creative and secondly is the current curriculum causing us to unlearn the skill?

All these reasons seem to point to creativity being a positive attribute and that parents, tutors, students and education staff should all be trying to enrich a pupil's ability and prospects through creativity.

For creative, fun and educational tutoring visit http://rebecca.kesler.co.uk


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