Designing a Timetable (Part 2) - Producing a Plan

Creating a Timetable in 3 easy steps

When you want to do Maths revision or memorise any subject, for that matter, creating a timetable can be super helpful as it gives you a plan on how you are going to revise.  Taking some time to create the plan of action and then (of course) implementing it can keep you on track.

In this blog post we will discuss:

  • Revision timetable - getting started
  • STEP 1: Log your subjects
  • STEP 2: Apply your revision list
  • STEP 3: Add exam topics to subject entries

How to get begin a revision timetable

Picture of timetable on desk
Build a revision timetable that suits you
Creating a revision timetable can be as simple or as complex as you like.  It could be created by you or someone else.  It is however a highly personal thing.  I would probably advise keeping the timetable simple for two reasons.  Firstly when it gets more complex it is trickier to follow and secondly you don't want to be running around and not actually getting anything done.

You don't need a highly complex system to create a timetable of learning.  You could use a free program like Google Calendar or even build it in a Word document.  Some people prefer a hand written timetable and this is OK to.  However you could use an application also that is downloadable to your phone.  This website makes a couple of suggestions (click here). 

Step 1: Write down subjects

Books with subjects written on the spines
All the subjects you study
To start with, to create a basic timetable you need to work out how long you have between now and your exam and how many subjects.  If your subjects are all equally weighted (i.e. no subject is more important than the other in terms of the final mark) and you have multiple subjects, split the time you have allocated equally into subject areas.  I would suggest building in break times, meal times, socialising times etc.  For example, if it is your birthday and you have a birthday party you are not going to feel like studying during, right before or after.  You need to take these things into account.  It is part of life that we have events happen and if we can build in time to limit their impact this is helpful.  Please note some events are also unforeseen.  For this reason although somewhat rigid, a timetable also needs to be flexible.  In other words, if necessary, you need to be prepared to change.

Step 2: Log your revision topics

Light bulb surrounded by educational symbols
Split subjects into topics
So at this stage you should have a timetable split into subjects (e.g. Maths on Monday, English on Tuesday).  It is an overview not specifically going into topic areas.  Next I would suggest creating a list of all the topics you need to know for the exams in each subject (e.g. angles in Maths).  Revision guides are great for this as they often provide short crib notes and a subject overview.  I wouldn't just rely on these books for revision though as often they just give a brief overview.  I would also explore curriculum documents and topic checklists which your tutor (like myself) or alternatively your teacher can help with.  If you search on the internet you should be able to find checklists.  For example an EdExcel topic checklist for Maths GCSE is available on TES's website for free.  For more information on creating a revision list see the previous blog post.

Step 3: Log the exam topics

Traffic light with words "problem, analysis, solution"
Red (no clue), Amber (some knowledge), Green (confident) 
Next I would go through the topic list for each subject and go through with a red, orange and green highlighter (traffic light colours).  Red means you have no clue what this topic is about and it urgently needs revising.  Orange means you feel semi-ok with the topic and green means you feel you have a good understanding.  The idea behind this is what you don't have a clue about gets studied first and what you feel more confident with will get studied last within your revision timetable and calendar.  If you are finding this tricky you could use a revision textbook or practise papers to help you find your weak areas.  Please note a paper though only includes a sample of topics.  Also, although you may feel confident in a topic (e.g. fractions) and not confident in another, you still want to revise all topics for a subject to make sure you really got it.

Now add your topics to your timetable allocating enough time for each.  Remember to leave spare time for revision of your revision.  In other words you ideally want to look at topics more than once before the big day and you will also need to factor in some time for practice papers.

And that's it your timetable is created!  Next steps is making sure your crib notes are in order and to actually revise. 

Remember intention plus action equals manifestation so if you create a timetable but don't revise there is no point to the timetable!  Planning and revising are both a requirement.

Looking for more in depth help in coping with exams or educational organisation?  Contact me via RK Tutors.


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